A Sneak Peek of The Ghomeshi Effect Script

Following the Ghomeshi trial many conversations opened up about why survivors of sexual violence do or do not come forward, and the conversation has continued as we discuss sexual assault and violence on university campuses. In this scene from The Ghomeshi Effect, three interviews explore the reality of coming forward with allegations of sexual violence, from the perspective of survivors and lawyers.

Leah Archambault rehearsing The Ghomeshi Effect

The Kids Are Alright, Trump and Sitting On a Man

By: Leah Archambault (Occasional Punk Singer and Dancer #3 from the right) On Friday November 4th, I had the opportunity to perform excerpts of The Ghomeshi Effect at Canterbury High School.  This performance is part of a larger conversation our director Jessica Ruano has started with Ottawa-area high school students about consent, sexual assault and…

Mean Tweets: The Ghomeshi Effect

The Ghomeshi Effect fights back against Twitter harassment with MEAN TWEETS fundraiser Since submitting a grant application to the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) in early August 2016 for her project titled The Ghomeshi Effect, local theatre director/producer Jessica Ruano has been repeatedly harassed on Twitter (see screenshots below). Now she is fighting back with Mean Tweets LIVE: The…

AUDITIONS for The Ghomeshi Effect

The Ghomeshi Effect is looking for 5 Ottawa-based performers (of all genders, ages, orientations, body types, and cultural backgrounds) who can ‘move and speak at the same time’ to participate in this project. This is PAID work. AUDITIONS: Thursday June 9 and Friday June 10 from 6pm to 8:30pm at Origin Studio, 57 Lyndale Avenue in Wellington…